- la habana
- 禁: prohibit; forbid; ban
- 肉: meat; flesh
- 禁: 禁动词1.(禁受; 耐) bear; stand; endure 弱不禁风 too weak [frail] to stand a gust of wind; 这布禁洗吗? will this cloth stand a lot of washing? 这鞋禁穿。 these shoes are durable.2.(忍住) contain [restrain] oneself 不禁流下眼泪 cannot hold back one's tears; 不禁哑然失笑 can't help laughing
- 肉: Ⅰ名词1.(人或动物体内接近皮的部分的柔韧物质) meat; flesh 肥肉 fat meat; fat; 牛肉 beef; 肉制品 meat products; 瘦肉 lean meat; 羊肉 mutton; 这肉已变质了。 the meat has gone bad.2.(某些瓜果里可以吃的部分) pulp; flesh (of fruit) 桂圆肉 longan pulp; 果肉 pulp of fruitⅡ形容词[方言]1.(不脆; 不酥) spongy 这西瓜瓤儿太肉了。 the pulp of this watermelon is too spongy.2.(性子缓慢; 动作迟钝) slow moving 肉得慌 so slow as to make one despair
- “禁”门,“与非”门: except-gate
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